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I wasn’t sure if we’re allowed to mention other websites that offer us a place to sell panties in this forum or not, so I messaged one of the moderators this morning about this, but I’ll try and do my best to clear it up for you all too.
Firstly let me say I’m terribly sorry if I’ve offended anyone or gave the wrong impression about myself. I feel horrible about this. I started researching panty selling about a month ago and am still taking everything in and I think this has shown me that maybe I’m in over my head a little bit with this. Please allow me to explain…
I’m also a member of a site that also offers a place for us to sell our items. I found them back in October of last year, and then more recently you guys. It’s only been within the last month or so that I began really trying to promote myself hard with getting a website and everything else, and eventually I found out about this website called pantytrust. I was going to get set up with that, but then the other panty site that I am also a member of came out with something where you can be panty verified if you have so many comments in your feedback section and if you send a photo with a certain code that they request and your name written on a piece of paper along with a photo of your face to the admin so they know you’re a real person. So now when you go on this site there is a logo that says you’re panty verified beside your name. I got excited when I became panty verified and thought I would write about it on my blog.
I really had not thought far enough ahead to think that it might confuse people with the pantytrust website that I had heard about. I’m really really sorry, I don’t want to have people mad at me or thinking I’m trying to pull some kind of fraud. I even mentioned something about being panty verified to another member of this other site that I belong to and she messaged me offline saying that some people might confuse the two if I say I’m panty verified without saying who its from on my site just this morning. I really can’t apologize enough. I’m trying to piece things together, and correct me if I’m wrong, but some people seem to know what other site I’m talking about, and am I correct to assume that there might be some bad blood present?
Honestly, I’m still sort of taking everything in and relatively new to the business, so I’m not sure what I should do. I’ve removed the blog entry since I really didn’t mean to stir up anything. And I am truly sorry if anyone had the wrong impression of what I was trying to do. I just thought it was exciting because I was panty verified. I guess maybe I should have put panty verified by so and so instead. I guess I didn’t know about this other site maybe having a bad wrap. I didn’t know that we really aren’t panty verified unless it comes from panty trust. I hope I didn’t offend anyone. I’m truly sorry.
Thank you,
MemberThank you all very much 🙂 Honestly, it was one of those rough days yesterday and I just forgot to put my link up with my message *sigh* ,…I’ve added as my signature now so that should help 🙂
I’m hoping to connect with lots of people, and really get some good tips on selling. I’m sure it will be fun, and thanx again for the warm welcome! 🙂