Forum Replies Created
Memberso how do you think you’re doing on your exams so far?
Memberi dont know if any deal they have is worth the hell you have to go through to get in to the store. i may step out to get some new jeans or something that day but it wont be till like 10 or 11, so i will miss most of the madness 😀 if you’re shopping for like clothing, or things that people are not going gaga for is anything except the wii and nintendo ds and xbox you may be fine. expect to be mauled by a grandma tho…
Memberi thought jigsaw died in number 2?
how can they still make them if hes dead? and now im all confused cause they show him in the new previews….
Member:S congrats.
Member… pfft… *sadistic giggle* to much… way to much…
Membermaybe she means she has more to love or some such thing… i mean more surface area…. and yeah… but i agree with anna.
Memberi would be interested, but Im in California, sorry
Memberwelcome, love the site!
Memberhey, what exactly is wrong with capitalism… we all rely on it. duh with out it we wouldn’t have an open market, were goods prices change and are based more on supply and demand. what if there was no capitalism and the price of bread rose and remained sky high even though there was a surplus of wheat?
come on now, capitalism is the cause of the industrial revolution…
yay for supply and demand!!!
and on the main topic, you suck creamy, i hope you enjoy your isolated little world.
Memberoh that is to cute.
Memberthat really is interesting, i know accents vary wildly in the us.
even inside a state, the way you say it may not change as far as a accent goes, but the slang, and inflections are incredibly different.summerres
Membersorry if its a little off topic, but….
has anyone noticed a major change in scent after eating different foods? i know if i eat a lot of animal products i have a stronger scent then if i am on a leaner more veg rich diet…
has anyone noticed anything like this?
Memberpoint of interest, plaid is plaid.
minni, your friends may be used to the way you speak or write, but others are not.
so i think that you do need to apoligize, and understand that they were/are not making fun of you it was a genuine question. since you demand understanding i think that giving a little understanding would go a long way to smooth this whole mess out.
so like i said its not any of my business, just thought it might help.summerres
Memberwow biology class came in handy for a change! 🙂 ok so one possible reason au natural women have a stronger scent is because the hair acts like a wick of a candle but instead of wax we have pharamones and scents and thigns like that. smells cling to hair and skin, abd hair when brushed by movement and things like that give of a scent more so then jsut skin.
so in conclusion, its not that its a stronger scent, its just distributed differantalyits amazing how off topic a class can get…