I wasn’t even going to bother to reply but there comes a time when you have to speak up against the lazy people in our society who think they should get everything for free. I also don’t apprecite people acting as if what I am saying doesn’t make sense. There shouldn’t need to be a law. The ethical thing to do if you sell panties anywhere is to give ebanned the cut they are entitled to.
Their rules are explained clearly on the site. If you can’t follow them you have no right to be selling panties and should find another thing to sell. People like Cindy who I see claims to be an example for other sellers are the worst abusers. If she is so upstanding she has the obligation to set the right example for others. If she is selling panties on her site she should be giving ebanned at minimum a $5.00 cut per pair sold. It’s time that freeloaders should be knocked down a peg.