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MemberThanks for the advice. To answer your question, Karen, no this isn’t for a real job, just for fun spending money. I have a normal job for the bills and then school takes up the rest of my time, it’s fun to have a sexy little secret.
I was totally fine for awhile, then it seemed like all of a sudden I got a string of emails asking repeatedly for things, even after I said no. I don’t understand why waste time trying to convince me when there’s so many other sites, so that’s what made me doubt myself.
I tried to talk to my roommate, but she really had no clue what to tell me, so I came here, and thanks. I guess I might’ve wanted reassurance more than anything.
You ladies are great, thanks!
MemberHi Anna,
I accept a lot of online gift cards b/c that seems to be the easiest way to do business aside from mailing cash. Here are the places I use (but they may be local): Amazon, Victoria’s Secret, Target, and Kohl’s. Just browse around your favorite places to shop and see what they offer. I was surprised to find that Teavana, my favorite place to get tea, offers online gift cards. Hope that helps in some way!
MemberI just heard from my customer and the panties I sent to Australia on Monday reached him by Friday. No problems at all.
MemberHi, I just shipped for the very first time to Australia this week. I wrote clothing on the outside, but now I’m nervous about that. I don’t know if it got there b/c I guess it usually takes 7-10 days. I’ll let you know if/when the package gets there.
MemberHi Cindy,
I put your link on my site. It’s on the bottom of the first page after you enter my site.
You can link to me at http://www.tastykacie.com
I guess with the words “Tasty Kacie’s Worn Panties” or something of the sort.
MemberYes, it helps a bunch, Kate, thank you. I posted some new info on my entry page of the store, so maybe it will explain things a bit better. It makes sense people are curious, I’m still learning how to use the store myself!
MemberSo I would like to take back my post about depo from a few days ago. It seems that after 4 months of nothing, I now have spotting, and it happened in the middle of preparing an order, so I had to contact the customer, apologize, and put everything on hold till I’m back to normal. Which hopefully will be soon! I think I reminded my body it was forgetting something every month. Grrr! Sorry, just a vent!
MemberHi Kitty,
I use the plain bubble envelopes like everyone else, I usually just buy mine from Target or the grocery store where I do shopping. I put my items in there and press it as flat as possible before sealing it up, then tape the edge to make sure it doesn’t pop open. I’ve been taking mine to the post office to have them weighed for about a month now and they never ask what’s in them or anything, they just tell me the cost. I think one time, they asked if it was fragile or hazardous, but I just simply answered no, and that was that. Hope that helps.
MemberHi girls, just wanted to add my 2¢ as well. I’m currently on the depo shot, and I no longer get periods either. I get a shot in the arm once every 3 months, and it’s been pretty good to me. Just an alternative to an IUD that also stops the flow!
MemberWow, Didn’t think my question would cause argument.
I guess I was just curious if anyone else in the panty mall was having the same issue. I’m totally fine if someone changes their mind and decides not to buy from me, I don’t prepare an item until I recieve payment, so it’s not like I’m being taken advantage of or anything.
Maybe I’ll try to change my store layout around to make it more clear what payments I accept and how that stuff works.tastykacie
MemberSo, I recently got an order through the panty mall, and the buyer had selected other online payment as his choice. I emailed him and told him where I accepted online giftcards from and as soon as I got payment, I’d prepare his order. I have heard nothing back at all.
This is the second time I’ve gotten an order and when I contact the buyer, I don’t get a response. The last one I gave a week, then put the item back up for sale. Will do the same here, but hopefully will hear something back.
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here or have any suggestions for me?
MemberThat is really interesting. I’ve really only had a few customers since starting, and it seems like it’s an even mix to me. There’s one customer that I trade emails with on a near daily basis that’s a return customer, and then another one who only emailed when he wanted to order something. I think it might just depend on the customer.
If anyone is interested in an update on my prob that started this email, here goes: After sending him the email laying down my rules, he sent a big apology and asked if I would give him another chance and he didn’t realize he was being pushy. So I told him he could have one more chance, but any mention of anything that makes me feel uncomfortable and I will never reply again, so if he agreed to that, we’re fine. He did, and now it seems like he will be placing an order w/ me very soon.
So I feel comfortable w/ the fact that I clearly told him what I would and would not be okay w/ in email and it’s up to him to make sure and follow my guidelines. So, I hope it will be okay from now on, but if it’s not, he only has himself to blame.tastykacie
MemberOkay, update on this situation. He sent me an email simply asking if I was ok b/c I hadn’t replied. I’m not going to let anyone think anything bad happened, so I wrote back that I was fine but he made me uncomfortable by his emails and I do not feel like I need to put up with it.
So he writes these long apologies, and I’ve been getting one a day. To get him to just stop, I explained that he pressured me to try and talk in ways I was not okay with and that I do not like when people make constant pleas to meet me. It makes me feel like they cannot respect my boundaries. I told him that if he wanted to continue to talk to me, he needs to respect me and my comfort zone because I am not one of those girls who will pretend to be fine with things I’m not. I am a person with feelings, who just wants to have fun with her kink and feel safe and happy while doing it.
I think I handled it okay. I’m not very good at not being nice to people, but I realize that sometimes you just have to lay it out there. So that’s that.tastykacie
MemberHi Kinky Kate,
It looks like you’ve figured out the mall better than I have. I stumbled across the newsletter section and wondered what it was. Is that something that people have to sign up for if they want to recieve? I don’t want to be sending out unwanted emails. Thanks much!
MemberHappy Valentine’s Day to everyone!
I’ve only been on this site for about 2 months, but I’ve never felt more comfy or welcome! I hope everyone enjoyes their day!xoxox
Kacie -