Forum Replies Created
MemberWell I have left space on my site for a blog page if I do decide to do one. I think I’ll have to have a look around at other people’s blogs and see what kind of things they’re writing before I start mine, otherwise I think I’ll sound a bit silly!
MemberI’m not trying to trick anyone – faceless corporations or individuals – I was just wondering how they’d know, that’s all!
As you can see from my post (the one before yours) I’ve got my site mostly up and running and I’m not accepting payments by Paypal.
MemberHello again!
I’ve set my site up, it’s almost ready! I’m using as a lot of people in that topic seemed to like it and I’ve got to admit it’s very easy to use. I just need to do some photography and a bit of adjusting and it should be good to go by the end of next week! I’ll post a link for reviews 😛
I am considering doing a blog, but I’m just not sure what I’d put in it every day – life is not that interesting!
Thanks for the help 🙂
MemberWell I’ve got my site pretty much set up now, just needs some tweaking and I need to do some photography, but you will be pleased to hear that I have stated very clearly that I do not accept PayPal – I’m going to do the online banking thing like Anna suggested.
Hopefully I’ll have it fully up and running by the end of next week!
MemberOh yeah, and I’ve also looked into getting verified – is it worth it?
MemberHi serena, thanks for the warm welcome! 🙂
I’m not looking to make a quick buck out of this – I know anything to earn money is going to be hard work! I’m not expecting to live off it either – the nature of my course at uni means we have a lot of field trips and I want to save up some cash for them. I understand I won’e be making ridiculous amounts of money – but every little helps doesn’t it?
I won’t be starting anything properly for another couple of weeks (which is when I’ll be back at my own place rather than at my parents!) but I’m just doing some research and some planning ahead. I’ve had a look at other people’s websites (and most of the time I email them with qs on their site) so I think I’m getting a good idea of what’s expected and how best to do one – I’m not sure about a blog yet, I don’t know if I’d have time to write one, but I’m not totally diregarding it.
I’ve got a little bit of time to think about it anyway so I’ll probably be hovering round here for a while!
Thanks 🙂
MemberHi, thanks for the welcome 🙂
I DID read through the forums and check them out, however there were people saying what you’re saying (ie avoid PP at all costs) and then there were others saying “you can use them if..” or “they’ve changed their legislation” etc.
I was confused because I HAD done some background reading, and was getting two very conflicting viewpoints.
I can imagine it must be annoying to get newbies asking the same qs all the time (I volunteer moderate on a different forum, so I know where you’re coming from) but I just wanted to get clarification on this issue for myself, rather than reading posts that can be months old and possibly have outdated info on them.
Especially as it’s such an important issue – I don’t want to have any assets frozen or anything like that!
Edit: I didn’t think it was OK to use PP by the way – I didn’t know if it was ok, hence the question! If I’d have thought it was OK then I’d have just gone ahead and done it.
MemberHi myerlansky, thanks for the welcome 🙂
Anna – when you said in an earlier post “I see you are from the UK” I took it to mean (wrongly) that you were from the US.
As for having an attitude, I already explained that I am on here to learn, and as such you will not find me being insulting, foul-mouthed, derogatory or aggressive to anyone on here. That is not the way to make new friends.
The reason I used the bite your head off phrase is that you just seemed very vehement about not using PP! That’s all – I was not implying that you were being s*****. It was not a remark meant to be taken to heart.
I think we have just got off on the wrong foot.
MemberHi admin, thanks for that link! Tons of stuff on there I can use 🙂 I did have a browse round earlier but must have just missed that thread.
I’ll have a proper look round the links in it tomorrow – it’s very nearly midnight here and I’m shattered after work!
Thanks again!
MemberAnna wrote:
Excuse me? Bite your head off?
Little girl I suggest you grow up.
Fuck you. You’re not getting any more advice off me. Make your own mistakes and learn the hard way.
Wow, it’s nice to see that the mods (of all people!)on this site are nice and friendly….
You already saw I’m from the UK, we have a very different sense of humour here! I was in no way having a go at you when I used the phrase “bite my head off.” I think there may be a slight cultural misinterpretation here…
You will also note I actually took your advice on board – I am here to learn you know! And I would get nowhere by slagging off other members of this forum – being rude doesn’t get anyone anywhere.
MemberOK OK!! No need to bite my head off!
Clearly Paypal isn’t the way to go, but this BACS thing sounds ok, I’ll do some research.
Personally, I wouldn’t accept Amazon vouchers as I’d rather save up some cash for uni (I’m not under 18 by the way, I’m 19 and going into my second year – that’s legal in the UK, I don’t know if you have to be 21 in the US like the drinking age)