
dakota Hey guys and girls 🙂 My name is Dakota, and yes thats my real name, lol, I get asked that all the time *sniffle sniffle*. I am really new to this, only decided about a week ago to do this, cause well… I need the money for school. Then after a bit tho, the more and more I thoguht about I also noticed how um…. horny as hell I got from wanting to do it, lol.I know its not the best, but hey what is a girl to do??? I sell lots of my used panties, ) I have thongs, boy-boy, my gym panties, and even my socks and reg panies there. I also have um… *shy*, lol, panties that I have even cummed in and been cummed on. Lonoooong story, lol. I also have a link in my forums I posted on here, and am so excited to be on this new site here!!! I also have alot about me on my site and all that good jazz, ALL MY PICS R REAL!!! I am no pro so there not the best, but whateva, lol. I am not a botter are a huge site, all my panties r worn and not just bought so I can sell them !!! OK, OK, just please go ceck me out *sniffle sniffle* and let me know what you think. An I love this website already!!! whoot whoot    

 P.S I have ALERT PAY and visa now 🙂 Also I have custome videos for you and pictures. I have lots of cute out-fits for your role-play fetish and so much more 🙂 When you order I ll do almnost any poses in any of my outfits that you request, Also my videos are 100% me, you can see my face and everything :). I will say your name in it and try stick to your fanasy.

XOXO Dakota 


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