The History of Used Panties on the Web-An Interview with the Panty King


There are a great many people who make up and contribute to the used panty community. Sellers, buyers, web masters, lurkers, promoters and more. Panty Hog will be interviewing these folks to help us learn more about them. If you are willing to introduce yourself to others in the used panty community, we’d like to interview you! If you would like to see an interview with a particular person, representive of a panty-related site, service, etc., let us know, and we will do our best to talk with them and publish the results here. Interviews can be conducted through your choice of email, telephone, snail mail, or web cam.   

Editor’s Summary:  This month, we start off our series of interviews by talking with the founder of Panty Hog. Best known to many as the Panty King. The "PK" as we call him here, has been involved in the used panty community for over twenty years. In our short conversation, the PK explains the reason for this new used panty portal, provides some insight regarding his nickname, and talks about his thoughts related to the future of used panty sales on the web. Interestingly, we also learn a little about the history of internet panty sales. Thus, we’ve decided to title this interview…The History of Used Panties on the Web-An Interview with the Panty King. Enjoy.


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Panty Hog:  Thanks for talking with us today. Let’s get right to it…why a used panty portal?

Panty King:   It was needed, and has been a long time in coming. Panties have a huge on-line following and presence. Seriously, the panty and up-skirt fetish is one of the most popular fetishes. The used panty/used lingerie fetish niche in particular has exploded since the advent of the Internet. There are now thousands of web sites devoted to the used panty fetish. It seems like every other month someone is opening a new "panty auction" site, there are classified sites for selling panties, panty cooperatives with several sellers listing their panties, used panty directories, worn panty top lists, dirty panty forums, panty chat rooms, and of course the ever increasing number of personal sites run by individual women (and men) to sell their worn unmentionables… 


PH:   How does a panty portal help this?

PK:    …by bringing it all together. In other words, to provide a gathering place and starting point or gateway for the used panty community. I’ve heard a lot talk about the confusion and frustration that panty fetishists can experience when trying to find what they’re after. Top lists, links sites, and panty site forums all have their place. Of course they are also usually skewed toward whatever agenda the particular site’s owner is interested in. Panty Hog on the other hand is completely neutral territory. No bias, all opinions and contributions are welcome. The users determine the content and scope of the site. Basically, the goal is for Panty Hog to be a central clearinghouse for used panty information.


PH:  What is the significance of the portal’s name?

PK:  The site is a used panty portal and while the URL accurately reflects that, naming the site The Used Panty Portal would have been too generic in my opinion. The name Panty Hog works in a few ways. A hog is an animal that runs around and gets into to everything. Another use of the word suggests a person who grabs something all up and hoards it. Both of these go along with the portal’s goal of gathering all the used panty information we can, and keeping it here to share with others interested in used panties. The clincher for the name Panty Hog though was that it is a seriously sexy sight to see a woman rolling down the road on a Harley, which is, of course, also known as a "Hog". 


PH:  Who can add information to the used panty portal?

PK:  Anyone. Anyone that is that is a legal adult and interested in the fetish. There is no cost, and there are no catches. People that provide used panties and such are welcome to come and post everywhere on the portal. They can add their link, post their photo, add their web cam, write an article, make a newsflash about a special deal they are offering on their web site or auction listing.  A problem that has prevented more of a feeling of community in the used panty trade has been peoples’ absurd fear of links to other used panty sites. Thankfully, that is completely opposite of what you have here at Panty Hog. We needed a central place where every used panty link and all information is welcome…and that’s what we have created.

While Panty Hog is most open to individuals promoting their used panty related offerings, we likewise encourage used panty fans and buyers to add content. Panty lovers and buyers are welcome to add their thoughts, experiences, and stories.I hope that we’ll some articles and blogs written detailing what is being done with the panties, how they got started with used panties, and so on. I’ll be looking for the used panty fans to be adding their photos to the site as well. I’ve already had one guy email me, and ask if he could write a series dedicated to his "panty mistress" and describing his day to day activies in worshiping her panties. I hope we’ll see something from him, and others like him as well. Bring it all on! 

PH:  What  has been your involvement with used panties? And isn’t calling yourself the Panty King somewhat pompous?

PK:  Actually, I didn’t self-appoint myself the Panty King, others came up with the nickname based on my activities over the years and it just stuck. Besides, it sounds better than the panty pimp or the panty pusher as I’ve also been referred to in the past.     


PH:  Explain what you mean by "activities".  

PK:  My involvement in the used panty community spans twenty years. I don’t believe that I am exaggerating to say that I actually started the ball rolling toward the current popularity of used panties on the Internet today. 


PH:  That’s a substantial claim.

PK:  I agree. I’m certainly not going to say that used panties wouldn’t have made it to the Internet without me. On the other hand, to my knowledge, the used panty BBS (bulletin board service) that I started in 1983 was the first of its kind ever. Back in those emerging-PC and pre-world wide web days, the used panty trade necessarily involved exchanges between individuals in person or more likely, simply the swiping of panties without the owner’s knowledge. After developing an interest by chance during high school, I started what was then called a BBS for worn panty fanatics. At that time, an Atari computer, a 300bd modem, and a direct telephone dial to the host computer was the cutting-edge technology. A message on other BBSes brought like-minded fans to my BBS, and what I believe to be the first panty "site" was born. Messages back then primarily consisted of the visitor’s descriptions of how they managed to obtain worn panties in less than legitimate ways.

When I became old enough to get into the local bars, I discovered the adult class
ified ads section of the free alternative newspapers found in those bars. One ad I noticed was from a woman offering to sell personally made xxx videotapes for anyone willing to send her twenty dollars. I sent her the twenty, but wrote that I’d rather have a pair of her underwear. She sent me both. When I went off to college, memories of this classified ad experience prompted me to encourage my female friends to let me sell their goods for them via these printed classified ads. Several took me up on my offer, and this continued until approximately the mid-1990s when I first developed a panty sales site for a lady friend. At that time search engines were limited, but based upon my searches then, I didn’t see any other sites offering used panties for sale, and therefore, I feel comfortable saying the first one that I developed is the grandfather of all that have come since. 


PH:  Were you involved with eBay panty auctions?

PK:  Yes, that was a pretty exciting time, and the eBay auctions  were a certainly a factor in increasing the popularity of selling worn intimates on-line. I helped some of the ladies that I had been running sites for, and various girlfriends get started with selling their panties, bras, socks, hose, and similar items on eBay. Unfortunately, there I’d have to admit to only posting the third listing for used panties as opposed to the first. However, as eBay began to tighten the up the allowance of these auctions on their site, I did begin working on an alternative. In 2000 I launched what was among the first used panty auction venues.


PH:  Do you still own the auction site, and other used panty sales venues?

PK:  No. I had a great time running several, but I have since sold them all. I no longer have any ownership of a web site where these types of items are actually sold. 


PH:  Why the change of heart?

PK:  Several reasons actually, but I guess the bottom line is that I grew to be uncomfortable with certain hassles, risks, and liabilities associated with owning a larger-scale sales venue.


PH:  It sounds like that may be an interesting story. 

PK:  It’s not really. It is unfortunate. Our country is fast becoming overpopulated with those who believe that their purpose in life is to force their idea of morality on others. What’s worse is that our government is apparently in agreement with them. Adults are losing their rights to privately enjoy their freedoms. Consider the on-line payment processors that were making huge amounts of money by taking a cut of the used panty sales. Now they react with horror if they find that a single used panty transaction went through them. As greedy as those bastards are, they certainly wouldn’t have given up their share of the pie without a very good reason. 


PHAre you predicting trouble ahead for panty sales on the web?

PK:  Well, I’m certain that the used panty community will continue to grow. Thankfully for used panty fans everywhere, these problems haven’t appeared to affect the smaller, "personal" panty seller sites. However, I do think that we may see some changes in the manner that exchanges take place. We are likely see a gradual change toward more closed and discreet selling options and transactions. We’ve already seen several of the panty auction venues begin to clamp their sites down so tightly that some possible buyers and sellers are unable to access the service. 


PHDo you blame them? Some people would suggest that doing that keeps kids away and makes it safer and more private for all involved.

PK:  Not at all. You can’t fault them for doing what they need to do to protect themselves and the users. As I said earlier, I took it further and got out of the sales venue game altogether to protect my own ass. The protection measures are necessary. Keeping kids out of adult areas is admirable, limiting casual traffic that might result in a buyer and seller finding each other is an unfortunate side effect. 


PH:  What is the solution? 

PK:   (Laughs) Even the Panty King can’t solve this one yet. Rest assured though, I’m always thinking about it and tossing around ideas. 


PH:    We know you are. Thanks for the interview…boss.

PK:    Thank you. 



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