Nicethings1983… You better believe it!

I am still amazed when I get requests to review a girls panties and am so gratetful to Serena for giving me the opportunity a good while back now.

Writing my column as not dampend my own buying habits but it is nice to think that the girls who ask to be reivewed value my opinion.

My latest panty seller to receive the once over from the Adey Panty Analyser is NiceThings1983. As with all the girls I chat with Lily is a really easy girl to chat with and she makes you feel like you have been friends forever in what seems like just a click of the mouse. When she first approached me I was a little behind with a review or 2 but thankfully Lily was happy to wait a short while for me to catch up.

After a chat or 2 discussing my panty likes and dislikes all was set for the next chapter in Adey’s Panty Seller Reviews.

First Impressions


Lily packaged her thong for me firstly in a ziplock type bag, tightly sealed to almost create a vacuum seal. This was then wrapped in red tissue paper with a short note of thanks (with kisses) for my services.This package was placed in a plain brown jiffy bag. As I always have found that care in wrapping leads to good things.

NiceThings1983 Red Pinstripe

I ripped open the tissue paper and the ziplock bag to reveal the delicate but distinctive feminie pussy aroma from the panties. This mingled nicely with a hint of perfume (or it could be a really nice fabric conditioner) but not so much to mask the magical scent I so regularly seek.

The Panties Themselves

The thong itself is very pretty red pinstripe and is so sexy. The material is soft and smooth with a translucencesmooth to allow just a little hint a what lies beneath.

On Visual Inspection

Unfolding the thong, the cotton gusset held a delightful creamy deposit of Lily’s pussy juices from her masturbation. This was stil slightly damp and was revived even more by the moisture from my wanting tongue.

NiceThings1983 Red gusset

Aroma & Flavour

The main front of the thong carried the natural femine aroma which merged into a sweeter smell of Lily’s pussy cream, She must have had some real fun masturbating in them for me. If only I could’ve been there to help.

I spent quite a while just taking in these tastes and romas before remembering I needed to put my thoght done to write this review.

On this occasion there was no discernable scent of Lily’s ass scent. I seem to sway one way and the other on this and some days I love it and others I don’t. Don’t ask why I don’t know. In any case my main interest is in pussy smell/juice so this is not something that bothered me in the slightest

My tongue planted firmly in the gusset I could taste the creamy sweentes that I have come to love of a horny, moist and creamy pussy.

I have yet to be disappointed tasting a girls juices and Lily has kept up the clean sheet passing the test with honours.

Panty Photos

Lily provided 5 high quality photos by email of her wearing the thong.

Another quality UK based panty seller has arrived so why not check her out here.


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