Stewart's Week in Pantyland 10

 Stewart’s Week in Pantyland

 Week 10 – 26th August



As I write this week’s column, I am hoping that my short absence away from the scene will not inhibit to any great extent the tenth issue of this column – we shall see…


I mentioned last week how Thebratness had been forced to return to hospital due to excessive bleeding: her blood level was 13 (at 10 they give a transfusion). The news this week is, thankfully, more positive as she has been released from hospital with orders to rest and drink plenty of fluids. Bratty is back with us on MUPS, although she will temporarily be away for a short while as she moves house on Friday.


May I please remind all members to engage caution when posting on MUPS and its sister sites. Please give references to works where necessary as the sites are liable for any copyright infringement.


Panty Trust

I mentioned in previous blogs how the new Panty Trust website was underway; how new volunteers were appreciated; and how, for the time being, PT was not taking on new members. The situation at present is that the site is now fully functioning, volunteers are still welcome, and new members are now being accepted. In fact, this week beheld the arrival of a new PTV member, Adara Connell ( ). The PTV label encapsulates sincerity, commitment, authenticity and community: you are not entering into an agreement with one buyer, rather an organisation of buyers.

This week also witnessed a fantastic addition to the scene: the Panty Trust Official Blog ( ). The blog shall feature PTV announcements, industry news, the latest panty trust members and volunteers, and my column. It is a great way for panty fetishists to keep abreast of the latest panty news. The content is not set in stone and may vary, but the great service and high standards provided by the Panty Trust ladies will not. Panty Trust has been in operation since 2002 and long may it continue to do so: great work by all concerned in inaugurating this wonderful addition to the scene.



Success: again

Last week we witnessed DirtyVirgin flying through academia with her excellent exam results and university placement, this week has seen another member achieving away from MUPS, with Jetta earning a promotion. As a recognition of her hard work, the TV station she works for have rewarded her with promotion, resulting in an increase in responsibilities with a role overseeing the work of newer colleagues – well done Jetta.



Since the last issue, we have continued to witness new members utilising the MUPS forums in order to introduce themselves. It has also come to light that MissHoney is not dead – great news I’m sure you’ll agree.

Unloved gussets

In a less serious, but equally welcome forum, MrOblivious has formulated his Favourite Words post. It appears that ‘gusset’ is not a universally appreciated word amongst MUPS members, with NikkiandBecca, and KatyKitten, finding the word unsexy. KatyKitten is also a fan of certain ‘taboo’ words, when used in the right context, finding ‘the c-word’ and the ‘f-word’ acceptable depending upon the situation. She also has little time for ‘making love’, preferring her partner to ‘fcuk her instead’. This has also been supported by Becca – Where has romance gone in this World?

There was a young man from MUPS…

MrOblivious’ Fun Limerick has initiated a great response. Amongst several early entries was Thebratness making light of her current health condition. It appears she is worried about the ‘loss of her laddies’ – she need not fear I reckon.

MissTinasPanties as Hugh Hefner

It has been made apparent this week that a MUPS seller has plans to open a nightclub partially funded by dirty panties. MissTinasPanties has been saving money since she was sixteen in the hope of one day opening a club complete with babes dancing on stages, velvet ropes, DJ’s, and possibly burlesque dancers. She aims to ‘make dreams come true one pair at a time’, and envisions this happening around the time she is thirty. Kitt suggested that maybe she should invest in a club panties scheme to hand-out to lucky guys (and gals?). Regardless, it would be fantastic if this was to come to fruition.


New Videos

Just Me is the latest video release from Chelsea, and it represents a break from the American dominance of MUPS videos in recent weeks. In what is a teasing video, one of the most thrilling parts for me is the return of her sexy Brummie accent – anyone lucky enough to witness her Got a New Toy video  will attest to that. The Americans are still well represented with Cherree’s panty reviews, Jetta’s Kitty Blooper, and PK’s Led Zeppelin Stairway.

In terms of groups, we have seen three new and varied additions. Nicethings1983 has formulated a weight loss one, CBRad929 a holiday gift exchange one, and Peak at Mink is a new fan group from Mink – good work guys.  



An expensive week has just passed, with the loss of Mathias’ credit card, and the £120 new door bill which Dr Thong has been forced to pay due to the extra-curricular activities of a London cab driver. After her flatmate had disappeared with the house keys on a night out, Dr Thong was had little option but to place her trust in the dubious skills of her taxi driver. She gained entrance to her home but at a high financial burden.

Panty Selling in a Relationship is the latest high quality post from Nookie_Lookie. It is a blog praising supportive panty sellers’ partners, without whom we would be denied access to the joyous delight of several dirty panties. One interesting point that arose (amongst many) was that Nookie regards panty selling as more intimate than making videos. KatyKitten disagrees with this and I believe that videos are more intimate – especially custom-made videos. However, naturally, this is a question of outlook, the salient point being that it isn’t only the sellers who we buyers should be thankful to. The blog is at a lofty height in the pantheon of great Nookie blogs.

In terms of non-panty related blogs, SexyNicole posted surrounding her entrance into the world of picture and video selling. She is gaining the support necessary to enable this to come to fruition, both technically and emotionally, and gives thanks to those who have helped her with this journey.


            Blog of the Week


Beauty, by Fitness_Kick, is an interesting and thought-provoking read. It recounts the story of her friend’s depression, due to her own perception of her looks, despite being a beautiful woman in Fitness_Kick’s eyes. She makes the important point that beauty is an inner, as well as an outer, strength. My favourite MUPS seller does not require make-up to enable her to look stunning, with natural radiance shining through. As was raised last week in the forums, when you feel confident it breads sex appeal and makeup, perfume, and other such paraphernalia are unnecessary masks: beauty is more than mere looks. ‘Above all, beauty is kindness’, states Fitness_Kick and I thoroughly agree: there is nothing as ugly as conceit and arrogance. A great blog which flew under the radar this week.


Changing man

Those of you who regularly read this column will be aware that my panty purchases have dwindled of late – although I did manage to acquire knicks from my favourite seller this week. I seem to have lost some of my enthusiasm for it of late. Maybe this is a natural step on the panty buyer’s path: HazelBigLips suggests that this is the situation. Whatever it is, it isn’t the case of a lack of funds, outside interests, or bad experiences; and I’m sure it will return.

More MUPS, less porn

I realised this week how much my porn collection has dwindled since becoming a MUPS member. I have no need for porn anymore and I am more than satisfied with the thrill which MUPS provides. Granted, I was never a huge fan of porn in the first place, but MUPS certainly has eaten into this. Is this the same for other members: does MUPS satisfy your fetish urges, or merely supplement them?


New members

SCpantylover, BBW_Panties and Lickieloulou have all joined MUPS this week, and AngelofHope enrolled before initiating a fine blog detailing his preference for pics and vids over panties. Over on Panty Hog, DelightfulDX has joined, with Anikah and Stpdbtch69 both signing-up for PH and MUPS. Welcome to all who have joined us on MUPS, PH and PT in the last seven days.


And finally…

So, what have we learned this week?

·         Make-up does not maketh the lady.

·         The F-word and the C-word, when used appropriately, may still be of beneficial lexical usage.

·         > MUPS = < porn.

·         Behind most good sellers stands a good sellers’ partner.

·         Want you own nightclub in the future – sell your knickers.






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