Stewart's Week in Pantyland 6

Stewart’s Week inPantyland

Week 6:29th July



The strike

This week more than ever I feel really fortunate to be able to bring you this column. After the blackout on MUPS, Panty Hog, Panty Wiki and Panty Trust at the weekend, I feel the need to savour every hour spent on these sites like never before. The cause of the disruption has not fully been uncovered, although a couple of likely candidates (saboteurs) certainly appear highly suspect. Well done to PK for the quick recovery of the site, as well as to all those who rallied around to help inform others of the situation at hand. MUPS, Panty Trust and Panty Hog are all now functioning at full strength.


Everything in moderation

Congratulations are in order to DirtyVirgin, who this week was chosen as one of two new MUPS moderators. DV is currently a moderator on Panty Hog, is an asset to MUPS and the community as a whole, and I am pleased that her hard work and ability is being recognised. The other new MUPS moderator feels very honoured and shall do everything in his power to repay the faith shown in him.

Penelope has been made a Techie Advisor. Her technical knowledge will be a great addition to the site – well done Penelope.

I would just like to remind members of the importance in continuing to adhere to the limit on picture sizes. The vast majority of members are remaining within the guidelines; however, persistent offenders have been at work: one case has seen a member suspended for seven days for a consistent disregard to rules. It is in all our interests to adhere to the limit.



It has been an active time on the forum front for Mr Oblivious, with a number of suggestions for the site, my favourite being adding panty queues to sellers’ profiles. Whilst he admits that the system would naturally need to be flexible enough to allow for unforeseen occurrences, he appears to have covered all the bases. He points out that the system would be beneficial to buyers and sellers alike. In theory, this appears to be a great suggestion; however, it would require understanding on all sides to fully utilise any such system. A number of girls already mention on their profile the length of their panty queues – but an interesting proposal nonetheless.

Forums have been utilised this week for questions surrounding payments, as well as new sellers introducing themselves. The last seven days have also witnessed a re-emergence of popular forum posts from the past, Jetta’s Who Knows About Your Panty Hobby and NaomiStClaire’s Other Names for Pussy back on the scene – fanny is still my favourite.



The interference MUPS has been suffering has naturally affected the formulation of new groups this week – only one so far, Lucky Nicole’s Lovely Naughties. The group’s central image is amazing, with LuckyNicole wearing monster panties – the image on the panties front, definitely not the size. 

The enthusiasm for competitions is, thankfully, still as strong as ever. New and exciting competitions are appearing in groups regularly with Katykitten and BlondeThong introducing new ones this week, and other girls have plans in the pipeline. LolaGold’s Lola’s Laundry has a group deal in place, and competition and group interaction enable MUPS to stay fresh, unique, and a great place to be.



I experienced great sadness whilst reading Nicethings1983’s I’ll Be Back Very Soon I Promise, as it transpires that she will be taking an enforced absence. Nicethings1983 is an experienced seller, a regular contributor and a friend. You may recall her troubles with a nasty buyer a couple of weeks back Another Idiot – I am unaware of the reason for her absence this time but surely she is due a break in fortune soon? I wish her well in resolving whatever is keeping her from being with us all.

I experienced mixed sadness whilst reading Juicy-Lucy’s latest blog this week. Whilst blogging of the finale to the pyjama game, it appears that it isn’t all bad news. Cutestevie was announced as the first (and last?) PJ Game champion, and this may sound like sour grapes – I failed to win a single round of the competition – but I for one will not be as crestfallen at the game’s ending. The reason for this being that the PJ Games replacement shall be… the Cartoon Panty Game: anyone prefer PJ’s to knicks? I’ll be ready and waiting for the start of the cartoon panty game this week – only hope she has some Pepe la Pew’s.

Whilst BT has been her consistent self on the blogging front, the week belonged to those who less regularly feature in blogging. Fitness_Kick treated us to two blogs in quick succession, shortly after joining the site. She was joined in this by Hellonipsnake and Mink, whose store dressing room fetish was a particular weekly blog highlight.


How do you get a competition started? What should the winning prize be? How do you make your competition stand-out from the rest? And what is the purpose of a competition? All points raised by LuckyNicole in her excellent Contest Extravaganza blog. My favourite blogs are those which you can relate your own panty experiences to, as well as those which pose questions. I have been thinking that my own group Knickers Under Tights requires an update, and I have asked myself many of the same questions in the last few days – although, the answers have been different to the ones I would give to LuckyNicole. In my opinion, competitions work best when unique, and when all involved have fun with them. Admittedly, they are a great way of getting your name out there –and what is wrong with that? I believe that as long as this is not the sole reason for creating the competition, they are a hugely positive and welcome addition to MUPS life – great blog.


My News

HGS in Moderation

I was surprised and excited this week to be named a MUPS moderator and I am determined not to let anyone down. I have been welcomed into the group by HazelBigLips, PK, Crimsonandclover and DV. It has been a valuable experience viewing MUPS from behind the scenes, and I am now getting to grips with things. The number of spammers the site receives has been a shock – though PK has plans to rectify this – but the hard work which goes on behind the scenes has not been as surprising. I am determined to continue the supreme effort and success which have been seen previously, in this new and welcoming team.


My panty collection came to an abrupt halt when I was left without access to a working credit card, after my bank blocked it: I have been attacked by sub-human half-breeds this week. I am not entirely sure how this happened, although I have my suspicions why I was six days without a card. Things could have been worse: I didn’t lose any money as the bank noticed suspicious activity and cancelled my card – but my panty collection was the real loser as I was not able to make purchases for what seemed like an eternity. Admittedly, the site been down and thus no panties to buy eased my suffering somewhat (though of course I would never wish to happen). The wonderful panties listed at the resumption of the site hit me hard: I feel a spree could be in order now normal service has been resumed on all fronts. At least it made me appreciate the many great panties that I have already purchased.

Changing times

I have found that my tastes and preferences have started to change whilst being a MUPS member, and I was wondering if this is the same with other members. Never usually one for stockings and suspenders, the excitement I encountered when viewing MissTinasPanties new pictures this week, where she is wearing such underwear, was unusual for me. As I have mentioned before, I joined MUPS with the intention of purchasing full-back knickers only, preferably white. This developed into a desire for black full-backs, lacy ones, then thongs, now I have a thing for stockings …. Where will it end?



Another week, same video queen. Those who regularly read this column (thank you) will know that I am a huge fan of Jetta’s videos – I make no apologies for this. Two more videos from her, my favourite being Take it Off.


Panty Trust

I would like to draw reader’s attention to the new Panty Trust website . The site is not quite there in terms of completion, but is already looking great. Panty Trust offers excellent advice to buyers and sellers alike; and MUPS members including Kinki Kati, HazelBigLips, DV, Nookie_Lookie, Dr Thong (to name just five) can be found there, as well as girls not found on MUPS. If nothing else, check out the site for the excellent array of pictures located on there. Panty Trust are always interested in new volunteers to help the service. If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact either HazelBigLips, DV or Crimsonandclover.


New members

I would like to welcome Fitness_kick (to whom I asked the question I always ask Canadians), hellonipsnake, Mink and Jakeboy to MUPS. I wish them all an enjoyable and lasting stay on the site. PantyLayne has registered for both MUPS and PH, where she has been joined by Miss Jewel – welcome ladies.


And finally…

So what have we learned this week?

·         Never doubt the resilience of MUPS.

·         The competition for competitions is hotting up.

·         It’s back to the future with forums, but a new dawn for blogs.

·         Never give up on stockings and suspenders.

·         The king of the shoutbox competition has risen.





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