Stewart's Week in Pantyland 7

Stewart’s Week in Pantyland

Week 7: 5th August


After the previous weekend, I feared the worst: thankfully, my fears were misplaced and the weekend passed without MUPS interference. MUPS, Panty Trust and Panty Hog were all fully operational at the weekend and long may they continue. Life without them would be a far poorer experience.

Departures and Arrivals

PK is taking a short leave of absence due to vacation – let’s hope the weather, change of scenery and relaxation is all our site owner is hoping for. However, we are to be left in capable hands, with site manager HazelBigLips at the helm, and her team of moderators behind her.

Welcome back to Nicethings1983. You may recall last week how she was taking a break from MUPS for personal reason: all has been revealed in her blog Thank You. The support she received from members during this time was fantastic to witness and I know she appreciated as much as we appreciate her return. 

Panty Trust

You may also recall that I drew your attention to the new Panty Trust website last week. The site is under construction but progressing nicely. Panty Trust is looking for volunteers to contribute to the fine work they do, however, until things are up-and-running, new PTV members are not being registered. This will change and I fully recommend sellers to, at the very least, consider joining.




Jetta posted this week concerning the issue of labels in panties – do sellers keep them in the panties? Do buyers want them in panties? Replies from DirtyVirgin, Vixen, HazelBigLips, et al, suggested that if they are of the itchy persuasion, they will not remain intact for very long. I must confess that I prefer the label to remain inside the knickers – it’s a question of authenticity above aesthetics, I want my knickers to be as ‘real’ as possible. However, I’m not the one wearing them, and I guess that if they are generally taken out by ladies, then they are more ‘real’ without the label? Always willing to have my panty preferences put to the test.

Inappropriate Labelling?

A lengthy discussion ensued in the MUPS forum section this week surrounding the usage of the term ‘school girl’. Auctions have been posted with the phrase mentioned and the question was raised as to whether this should be allowed. I do not intend to dwell on this subject as the discussion was long, varied, and can be viewed in its entirety on MUPS. However, the salient points are that all sides were well represented, a long and helpful discussion ensued, and legality won out. It seems that three schools of thought exist; those who dislike the term, those who dislike the term but feel it would be difficult to enforce a ban, and those who actually see nothing wrong with it at all. I am of the first group – I find the term unnecessary, extremely distasteful and shudder every time I see it onsite – however, we must go along with the agreed rules in place. At present, as long as all participating are of legal age, the term ‘school girl’ is not prohibited from MUPS. PK pointed out, however, that the term ‘lolita’ is outlawed here for legal and transaction reasons.

A very worthwhile posting by HazelBigLips (though she was kindly responding to issues made elsewhere), as not all of us were around the last time the issue was raised. Also, it was great to see so many involved in the discussion – is this not the whole point of forums!

Know your limits

Mr Oblivious instigated a forum this week regarding the limits that sellers are committed to. Again, a great response to an issue which was very beneficial for buyers and sellers alike. Amongst other things, we learned that Miss Babette is unshockable, Vixen doesn’t like needles, and BlondeThong doesn’t appreciate anything bum related. No face pics, no scat and no meet-ups were regular answers to limits. It was sad to read that DR Thong has encountered certain members becoming angry when she has reiterated her ‘no meeting policy’ – I would hope that this isn’t a regular request from buyers.



‘Best. Video. Ever’ (LolaGold).

‘Love it’ (Starszasweetcreams)       

The above quotes were responses to Nookie_Lookie’s Chocolate Orgasm video. I used to find Penguin Biscuits a tad on the dull side – not anymore. If you like you biscuits hard on the outside but soft and gooey on the inside, see her video for tips on the best way to achieve this. Or even if you just enjoy looking at a sexy Scottish lassie’s cleavage, this video is definitely one for you.

Jetta’s Work That was an altogether more energetic affair. If you enjoy looking at a sexy American broadcast journalist exercise, this video is for you – I unashamedly do. Two great videos from two great sellers.                     



A return to form for blogs this week, both in terms of quality and quantity. Jetta’s blogs included The Extra 15, where she explains of the negative impact birth control pills are having upon her figure. In my opinion, she is worrying unnecessarily as she looks great, and, judging by the responses from others, I am not alone in this view. BlondeThong maintained her usual blogging output and MistreeLylith is not looking forward to Christmas in a bikini. I can understand this; Christmas to me has always been best spent around a warm fire. MinxyLaveau also returned to blogging this week.

Do You Remember the First Time?

MUPS blogs were also the domain of newcomers and one topic proved particularly popular – first sales. MrObliviousWhat They Did for Me described his first arrival on the MUPS panty front and was an interesting read. Sellers NikkiandBecca also blogged surrounding first transactions, where they quickly built up a good rapport with their prospective buyers and a great sale ensued for all.

            Blog of the Week

Nobbee’s Best Panties Ever was also of the ‘first sale’ type (although his was the first of those this week). It appears that he prefers (or at least did) mature ladies of the ‘more rounded type’ (Nobbee). However, he opted to purchase from a seller who he at first deemed ‘too beautiful and younger’ (Nobbee). He was to be pleased he did as the sale went well. Progressing in great detail, he described his voyage with his undies and how his perceptions were altered in terms of  the labelling sellers. The buyer in question is still in contact with him and asks whether her knickers were any good – I think it is safe to say they were. The sellers I regularly buy from are the ones who keep in contact, and thus, I understand his thinking. It makes the experience so much richer for both/all parties – much less like a cold, hard transaction. Nobbee ends his blog by suggesting that one should not rush to dismiss a seller, thinking you prefer some other ‘type’. I totally agree and no longer have a ‘favourite type’ of seller in terms of appearance, preferring only the ones who experience the same enjoyment out of the exchange that I do.


My week

2 girls, 1 cup

I was warned: I checked regardless. Nookie_Lookie raised the issue, several members warned against viewing it (’A piece of my soul just died’, wrote LolaGold), but like a ‘wet paint sign’ – how can you refuse? The sight before my eyes was horrific and shall live with me forever. I cannot do justice to the revulsion which I encountered, nor do I wish to do so, but when warned on MUPS not to view a video, do not view the video!

Online panty shopping

Online panty shopping for MUPS sellers to wear is rapidly becoming a favourite of mine. I am beginning to spend as much time on Figleaves and La Senza as on MUPS. Without the pushy and patronising shop assistants; no need to visit town; and the ability to relax while you browse, the experience is far superior online than in ‘reality’ – it’s shopping without shopping. I feel that this is a bit hypocritical of me, as I much prefer the sociability of leaving my house to venture into the outside world to buy things, as opposed to doing so electronically. However, with panties, online is the winner.

Work won, panty collection lost (slightly)

I would be curious to know whether buyers purchase their panties at a particular part of the day. I do, at night. The vast majority of my purchases have been in the early evening or late at night, for reasons I am not entirely certain of. From a practical point of view, sellers are more likely to be online in the evenings to make transactions (I hate that word – too cold). Also, there is the old adage of ‘night = dark = sexy’, which is probably a part of it. Whatever the reason is, my new morning job I have started to supplement my income is rapidly eating into this equation. What with card trouble, and now early mornings necessitating earlier nights, my panty collection is suffering. The times are a-changing – and not for the better in terms of knickers. Still had to time to lose round one of Juicy-Lucy’s Cartoon Panty Game though!


Panty Hog

It hasn’t been the busiest period for Panty Hog this week, and this is a shame as the site has so much to offer. New sellers are often to be found on PH who are not with MUPS and hence it offers a great opportunity for buyers to meet new panty ladies. It also provides a great resource for sellers to broaden their panty knowledge. For example, PantyLayne logged on this week in order to ask questions surrounding P.O Box’s, Alert Pay, and websites. Within a very short space of time DirtyVirgin and Knottie_Knickers had provided the very answers she was looking for – well done ladies.  


New Members

Kittenzzk and Lolicon-panty-seller have both joined Panty Hog this week; as has PantyLayne, who joined MUPS last week. MUPS has seen the arrival of SexyPants, CocoaPixie, Dirty999 and  Starszasweetcreams (to name a few) –  welcome all.


And finally…

So what have we learned this week?

·         Legal rules rule MUPS.

·         Blogs : regulars V newcomers = a tie.

·         Knickers are not necessarily worn with labels attached.

·         2 girls + 1 cup = a calamity.

·         A little communication goes a long way.





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