Stewart's Week in Pantyland 9

Stewart’s Week in Pantyland 9

Week 9: 19th August


I wish to start this week’s review by welcoming back site owner PK, who returned from vacation this week. Although he is still recovering from his adventures, the site shall be in capable hands while he recuperates, with a full complement of admin staff in place. On a sadder note, you may recall me relaying the news that Thebratness had to be hospitalised a few weeks back. Unfortunately, she has had to return to hospital this week as the bleeding became so bad that she had little choice. I wish her a swift and successful recovery. In other sad news, Juicy-Lucy blogged of her enforced departure from MUPS. It is fair to say that Juicy-Lucy deserves a change in fortune as she has been hit with some terrible luck of late. She will be removing her photos, but not her account, and I’m sure I am not alone in wishing her all the best.


Congratulations are in order to DirtyVirgin, who achieved fantastic A level results this week. Accompanying these grades was a university placement for September – well done DV. Well done also to anyone else achieving successful exam results this week.


As I’m sure many of you are aware, the ‘direct pay’ button from the MUPS sales area to AlertPay usually results in a, ‘the seller does not accept credit cards at this time’ message. The issue was raised in a forum this week, the problem being a bug which AlertPay are aware of. To be honest, since the second week of joining the site, I have given-up using the direct button. As was raised by members in forum posts, if you ask the seller to send you a payment request, or go directly to AlertPay and pay using the seller’s AlertPay email, things usually run smoothly.

On the subject of AlertPay, Jetta commented on a forum question this week by warning newcomers that they should be careful with the settings on AlertPay. If your settings are not private enough, your real name can enter the public domain. Whilst not wishing to scare members away from using AlertPay, obviously this is great advice and sellers should engage caution when disclosing details to buyers.



It has been a stand-out week for both forum and blog output on MUPS. Jetta’s Clothing Tags on Panties and her Girls on Girls forums have both been revisited; and we have witnessed forums being utilised for new members introducing themselves.

HGS instigated a forum to identify the one classic piece of panty advice that has been the most beneficial to members. The response was impressive and the resulting answers were by-and-large extremely useful. Responses ranged from the more high profile advice, such as only doing what you feel comfortable with and the avoidance of PayPal; to the less imparted advice, such as immersing yourself in activities and not worrying about ‘making a prat of yourself’ (MrOblivious). Trusting instincts is becoming a regular theme in this column and Dr Thong suggested that this is also a good approach online. Vixen advised new members to avoid handing out freebies, perhaps altering this approach with regular and trusted sellers once you have become more au fait with the scene. Great advice and thanks to all who contributed.

MrOblivious’ Ladies: Lingerie Question, concerning the issue of whether ladies buy undies with themselves or with others in mind, was a great post. It appears that opinions on who to panty purchase for are divided, but a central, universal theme can be identified. Liz69 buys ‘with all her boys and their preferences’ at the forefront of her thinking, whilst SexyNicole and Mink both shop with both themselves and their partner in mind.  At the other end of the spectrum, Summer-Rose buys panties that will make her feel sexy. However, it can be concluded that despite the difference in perspectives, ladies are unanimous in the belief that panties that make you feel sexy will also make you feel confident, affecting the way you carry yourself, and resulting in you appearing sexier to your partner. I fully agree with this argument – confidence does develop into sex appeal. Great to learn more about the decisions which govern panty purchasing, as well as gaining more of an insight into the lives of MUPS ladies.



Summer-Rose commented in the MrOblivious’ forum that she has come to feel confident and sexy in lingerie she was not previously passionate about. The comment reminded me of a realisation I made the other night whilst admiring my collection. It became instantly clear that my panty collection has evolved, with the style of earlier purchases differing greatly from recent additions. The transformation, put simply, has been one of ‘comfort to allure’. I entered MUPS with a white cotton full back preference, favouring the ‘cute’ above the ‘sexy’. Over time this developed into a taste for black cotton, lace, and then sheer. Along the way a taste for thongs came onto the horizon and I am now developing an infatuation with stockings, especially hold-ups. Whether this represents a progression, regression or linear movement is a question of taste I guess. The salient point, however, is that the times are a-changing. I sense that the elation I encountered with the arrival of my Snoopy cotton pair, purchased at the outset of my MUPS life, would not be reciprocated today. Is this the same for all buyers – have your preferences altered since joining the site? And what about sellers, have your tastes altered during your MUPS adventure?


Videos Stars and Group founders

The video section of MUPS is fast becoming the domain of American ladies, with five posted this week, all from sellers from the US. Jetta’s Housekeeping was a particular favourite, highlighting the adaptability of the apron as a garment. MinxyLaveau’s video was well worth a view, as were Cherree’s videos.

Two new groups this week, and both from British ladies. Penelope inaugurated a game group, and Intimate was the first group created by Cuteprincess. Intimate was averaging a member every ten minutes into its first hour of launch.



It has been a phenomenal week for blogs, with both panty and non-panty based topics gracing MUPS. In fact, we have been gifted to so many wonderful blogs that I have decided to postpone reviewing, until next week, those that were posted later in the week. It would be callous of me to not do justice to the hard work members pour into their blogs by not paying them the attention they deserve.

Mathias’ Worst Day Ever elicited 22 responses, relating the discovery of his fetish by a mate and his girlfriend, due to an overly curious canine. Mathias was informed (via text message) that he was no longer welcome at their house. It is becoming apparent that dogs are instinctively drawn to panties: Nookie_Lookie’s dog, Lochan, hides hers and Mink has also commented that she has experienced similar problems.

Nikki, of NikkiandBecca fame, blogged regarding her bemusement that people who have been in touch asking her to accept PayPal, have been the recipients of positive feedback. Although there is no guarantee that any of these transactions were carried out through PayPal, it certainly raises suspicions. She also discusses her dismay of occurrences where promising sales with keen buyers have resulted in them disappearing, or losing interest, before the deal was in place. This blog has received a great response, with helpful advice from members.

In other panty-related blogs, Nookie_Lookie formed a post describing the events surrounding her first ever sale. Elaborating into exciting detail, she recounts how the panties were made to specification and the effect on all concerned. Thankfully, this was a successful transaction and set Nookie off on the path to regular panty selling.

On the non-panty side of things, Fitness_Kick blogged on the subject of how it is the little things in life which can make all the difference to a person’s mood. It was a joy to read to such an uplifting and light hearted blog on the simple things. Chippy posted a blog concerning the issue of Facebook ‘friends’, namely friends who are rather people you have met or briefly made acquaintance with. Being a man in his early thirties, I can certainly empathise with his viewpoint in this blog. I have friends on Facebook who are more adequately described as ‘acquaintances’, and have often wondered at the absurdity of the situation and questioned the impact of social networking sites on the perception of the word ‘friend’. In my opinion, the internet in general, and social networking sites in particular, has diluted the term – how can an individual you have only had the briefest of dealings with, and in all probability will never communicate with again, be considered a ‘friend?’

            Blog of the Week

Although NikkiandBecca have settled into the MUPS blogging world with consummate ease, Becca’s Surgiversary is a blog in which she stresses required careful consideration as to whether or not to post. The blog is complex and personal, and is worthy of far more analysis than I am able to give it here – go read it, you’ll be glad you did. In short, the blog details the six month anniversary of Becca’s gastric bypass, the circumstances which led to the decision to undergo surgery, and the outcome. I am sorry to say that Becca has received more negative comments than positive in real life, and I hope that this is not reciprocated on MUPS. I am delighted that she regards the outcome as a success, however, and admire her courage in posting the blog. I wish her all the best and hope that others do the same.


New Members

I would like to welcome KatKandy, LucilleLust, Sexi-Bambi, Anette and Nikkiluvz to MUPS. Loli_Haze, Mistrust and Anais have joined Panty Hog and have raised forum posts in order to introduce themselves and ask questions: welcome ladies.


And Finally …

So what have we learned this week?

·         MUPS blogs are at an all-time high.

·         American ladies are dominating the MUPS video scene.

·         Canines love panties as much as humans.

·         Aprons are a versatile garment, accentuating all the right places when worn correctly.

·         Friends are not what they used to be.







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