Stewart's Week in Pantyland 8

Stewart’s Week in Pantyland

Week 8: 12th August


Official news on MUPS has been in short supply in the last seven days, with few notable departures, arrivals and updates to report. However, given the troubles caused by the saboteurs a couple of weeks back, allayed to the fact that MUPS is definitely not in need of major overhaul, I believe this to be a positive – if it isn’t broke, and it certainly isn’t, don’t fix it.


The PayPal question simply refuses to abscond from MUPS, constantly reappearing to raise its ugly head. At least two members detailed problems they have been encountering with PayPal this week via the forums. Rules vehemently state that PayPal is not to be used for payment for any MUPS sales. PayPal do not allow adult-related transactions and they can, and do, fine you and freeze your account if caught. It simply is not worth it and you will encounter financial troubles on PayPal and suspension from MUPS.



MinxyLaveau has been particularly active on the MUPS video front this week, with four new releases. Whilst The Wet Spot was particularly alluring, my favourite has to be With a Little Help from the Beau, exhibiting a panty angle extremely underused on MUPS. Obviously I am a stranger to the ‘beau’, but I feel confident in claiming that he did not mind helping out. Only one other video this week – but what a video! Cherree’s Preview video was, without question, one of my favourite movie releases on MUPS. Featuring her oiled-up, in skimpy panties, writhing around on a massage table, was a sight to behold. The full video went on sale shortly after and I am definitely not surprised to announce that it was ‘selling like hotcakes.’ I am very much looking forward to video releases from Cherree in the near future.




The Member’s Specials section of the forum has been utilised this week in order to raise awareness of sellers’ deals, with originality and inventiveness the order of the week. Jetta instigated a free video competition whereby six lucky members were able to get their hands on one of her videos for free – I was one such lucky person. All that was required was being in the right-place-at-the-right-time, and constantly perving on Jetta’s profile page – never a chore. Hearing MUPS ladies voices is a major turn-on and Jetta’s was certainly no exception – thanks Jetta. Later in the week, MinxyLaveau, in what has been a busy week for her, launched a panty raffle. For a mere $1, buyers (and sellers) were able to purchase a ticket to enter into a draw for Minxy’s drawers. The luck winner was Leye.

Chippy’s Sex in Unusual Places post was revisited this week. An instant hit when it was first launched, we have learned of at least two cases where the police have become involved in the sexual pursuits of our members. CBRad929 was caught in flagrante in a parking lot near an airfield, when his activities were spotted by the police. Cherree also encountered disappointment in such surroundings. Cheree, by her own admission, has encountered parking lot sex on more than one occasion, and she was discovered having sex in a parking lot by the authorities. She has also experienced sex in a pool and in a club bathroom. Becca, of NikkiandBecca fame, has also had sex in a parking lot – a church parking lot – in a four-wheeler, a deer-hunting stand, and a giant rock in the middle of a stream. In the words of Cherree, ‘have fun out there, the world is one big playground’.


My favourite MUPS week – accord

I mentioned at the outset that this week has been serene in terms of official news – it has also been a settled week on MUPS in other ways too. The last seven days have witnessed unity on MUPS with an overall air of calmness descending on the site. I have enjoyed this week more than any other, with several newcomers playing such prominent and leading roles in blogs, forums, polls and the shoutbox – long may it continue. I am sincerely hoping for another week like the previous one, with great additions to this great site, being active, friendly and sociable.

London calling – disaccord

It has been sad to witness the direct opposite of the accord and serenity I have just described, in London and a few other UK cities this week. I have no time for the sub-human element that has hijacked what began as a peaceful protest, in order to attempt to justify looting, savagery and barbaric behaviour. I wish to give no more words to these cretins, nevertheless, the effect that the events had upon MUPS was great to witness. Dr Thong blogged her support to those affected at the outset, with members who don’t usually comment doing so on this occasion, and messages of support posted on the shoutbox. One member, LolaGold, witnessed the burning down of her local post office, at the hands of the rioters – I fail to see how destroying the local post office will aid the ‘cause’ the rioters were purporting to be rioting in the name of!  I wish all those affected by the events all the best, and would also like to thank those who have already offered messages of support.  



Several blogs this week on diverse subjects, from regular and new members alike. Great to have HairyJazmin back with us, who this week posted a blog detailing how her pregnancy is developing. Thankfully, all is well, with the family patient and understanding, and Jazmin cannot wait to meet the new addition to her brood. In other (easier-to-acquire) new additions, Madamoisellechyna blogged espousing the adage of the joys of finding just what you are looking for when you are not actually looking for it– in her case white lace tanga ruffle panties. I fully agree, impulse buys are often the most successful. On the subject of panty collections, Viology blogged in order to ascertain how other sellers rotate their panty selection, as well as asking whether buyers prefer old and worn undies to newer ones.

In Faces, NikkiandBecca blogged concerning the much discussed issue of face picture requests from buyers. Some girls do, some girls don’t, but the central issue is always trust. A third group of ladies exist who are willing to show their face, but only once a level of trust has been established with a buyer. NikkiandBecca are of this type but, unfortunately, they have been asked to show their face more than they would have liked. They describe scenarios where a polite ‘no’ has led to the buyer stopping any further communication dead. They ask, ‘Why is anonymity frowned upon?’ – a lack of imagination on the part of a small number of buyers perhaps? The blog attracted several responses from ladies, with the  common theme running through most of them being that,  though the majority of buyers are respectful, a certain element do not take ‘no’ with good grace. DityVirgin, Fitness_kick, and Jetta all suggest this to be the case. To be honest, this does not come as a shock, and perhaps with members running into the thousands, a few ‘bad eggs’ are to be expected?  Dr Thong even encountered one charming individual who retorts that he ‘only buys from cute and sexy girls.’ MissTinaPanties, however, suggested caution, believing that in many cases it may simply be a matter of preference. This may be the case, though it does not excuse bad manners.

            Blog of the Week

Arriving just as last week’s column was being posted, Not Getting What You’d Expect, was a great blog by a regular and accomplished blogger, Nookie_Lookie. Nookie has posted before on the subject of light bondage (The Psychic and the Munch), but here we are treated to her first forays into the fetish scene. A confident 17 year old with a full time job – but 11 o’clock curfew – Nookie was eager to make full use of the pull-up bar in her boyfriend’s bedroom doorway. She gave … but didn’t quite receive – see her blog for a full explanation. ‘I would have screamed the flipping house down’ (DirtyVirgin); ‘Age and wisdom would have told him that playing a trick on your partner would result in a loss of any current playtime left for that night’ (CBRad929); were two responses to the situation described. She did, nevertheless, manage to take a great laugh and a happy memory from the event, so it was not all bad. Great blog Nookie.


Tragedy averted

I narrowly avoided tragedy this week when one of favourite panties was mere millimetres away from being ruined beyond repair. I was enjoying my red thong but decided to switch to the white full backs from the same seller, always kept with the red thong. Whilst really getting into things deep in the midst of the intoxicating scents, the outpouring of my excitement flew across the bed, missing the red thong’s gusset by the smallest of fractions. If it had landed in the gusset I would have been devastated – more care needed perhaps? Although, to be fair, whilst I have amassed a vast collection, the thong is part of a select few that are really looked after, living a charmed life inside the original Ziploc bag and especially well hidden, just in case intruders are on the prowl. I usually look after my favourite five with the same level of attention that a mother looks after her newborn – you can’t be too careful can you?


Thongs aren’t what they used to be

Underwear sale figures released this week make particularly interesting reading, with ‘traditional’ cotton brief sales rising by 45 per cent in the last year. For the first time since the early 1990’s, the clothing store Peacocks has witnessed classic style lingerie overtake skimpier thongs and G-strings, with a switch from ‘sexy and sophisticated to covered and comfortable.’ Alison Tinsley of Lavish Lifestyle Consulting suggests that, ‘because a woman’s underwear is not going to be seen as much as her clothes, many are probably using the money to buy clothes rather than sexy thongs.’ This is, thankfully, not the case with MUPS ladies and would seem an insufficient explanation in my opinion – are thongs really that expensive? And surely the difference in price between thongs and full backs must be negligible at best? A more plausible explanation, and a further one offered by Alison Tinsley, is the ‘comfort factor – it seems ladies may be opting for comfort above sex appeal. She claims that this change ‘seems to be exacerbated during difficult economic times.’ It would appear, therefore, that there is a direct correlation between tough economic circumstances and a woman’s desire for comfy knickers.

Ass for rent

In other panties related news this week, the British women’s beach volleyball champions are to be walking advertisements, renting out their behinds to a betting company. Zara Dampney and Shauna Mullin are to have a Quick Response barcode printed onto their bikini bottoms during matches. Whenever their derrières are photographed via Smartphones, the code will take the photographer to the website of Betfair. This will be the first occasion where the barcodes will be used and Andy Lulham claimed, ‘What better way to test its effectiveness than by putting them on one of the places that is most likely to get photographed the most.’ This has not been met with universal approval, with feminists arguing it diminishes women’s sport. Ms Norris argues that this assumes that spectators will predominantly be men, and that it projects that ‘there’s still a lack of seriousness taken when it comes to women’s sports.’


New members

I would like to welcome Nikkiluvz, Anita, Hitcliff, Dragon27 and Caramel to MUPS. It has been great to witness members joining from a variety of countries this week. Welcome also to Michelle081 and AnglePants who have registered for Panty Hog. Sladkaya_Kiska has now joined both – I hope that she, and indeed all newcomers, enjoy the MUPS/PH family.


And finally…

So what have we learned this week?

·         It is always best to ascertain your playmate’s compatibility with spiders prior to playtime.

·         Parking lots (especially American ones) are awash with eagle-eyed police patrolmen on the lookout for sexual trysts. 

·         Cherree, oil and a video cam equate to a great time for all. 

·         A drop in the economy leads to a rise in comfy knicks.

·         When the local post office burns down, preventing you from posting your panties, things are seriously out of control.

And Finally II

Before I leave you all in peace, I would like to end this week’s column with some long overdue thanks to those who make this column what it is. All content is my own – I write this stuff, and for that I wish to thank the MUPS site Manager HazelBigLips. I was discussing instincts earlier and Hazel lets me get on with this column, trusting my judgement and giving me carte blanche. She has been supportive since day one and reads this every week. Serena and PK gave this column the go-ahead and I would like to thank them both also. However, if it was not for DirtyVirgin, this column would never have happened. It was DV’s support, belief and guidance which enabled me to begin this venture. Thanks also to those of you who regularly read this column, regardless of whether you receive a mention or not – Mathias, Kinki_Kati, Nookie_Lookie, MissTinasPanties, KatyKitten, to name but five. Jeez, sounds like a goodbye doesn’t it……

I’ll be here next week and I’ll keep going until someone stops me.






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