Manager's Blog – Amy's Rants 5-05

Panty Hog Site News and Updates

Amy I?d like to start by giving a great big ?Thank You!? to Panty Hog?s two newest yearlong sponsors- playtime-paradise and ebare adult auctions. Panty Hog sponsors benefit the entire used panty community. As the amount of content and visitors on Panty Hog continues to grow, the generous donations of our sponsors provide critical assistance with the costs associated with hosting what has quickly become a larger, high bandwidth web site, and with the costs associated with advertising and bringing new features for use by members and quests of Panty Hog. Please do take a moment to notice all of the sponsors listed on the left hand side of the page, click their links, visit their sites and thank them for helping to keep Panty Hog here for each member of the used panty community!

There’s more…

I?m pleased to say the mail bombs from the fanatical religious right have stopped, and except for a couple days over the past week, the DNS attacks from webmasters with the insane idea that Panty Hog is a competitor of their site have greatly diminished. (Panty Hog competes with no one, if you have a panty-related site, register free, write an article, and promote it right here on the front page, no questions asked. The whole reason Panty Hog is here is to share all used panty news and resources including yours. Enough with the nonsense.) We now receive thank you emails from men and women on a near daily basis telling us that they enjoy Panty Hog. This always makes my day to know that panty fans and sellers appreciate Panty Hog. Several of the emails ask how a person can help support the site. We value our sponsors to no end, but supporting Panty Hog doesn?t need to cost you a cent. In fact equally important ways to offer support are through things like linking to Panty Hog, spreading the word to any adult interested in used panties, and actually most important of all?submit your news, stories, introductions, reviews, etc! Think about it, that?s why we?re here in the first place, we want to know about you as a seller or a buyer! Speaking of content, this is probably a good place to thank all the ladies who have put together galleries in the photo gallery area. Wow! These ladies have done a wonderful job of providing some very hot photos! If you haven?t seen the gallery lately, you haven?t seen the gallery. Check it out 😉

This blog is called Amy?s Rants, and okay, I?m a little PMS-y this week, so here?s my rant for this entry ? what the heck is up with the panty fiction writing contest? We have a couple of entries that are very good and I in no way wish to take away from them, but we have four seriously sexy ladies offering you their wet panties for free, just for a little writing on a subject we all love Seeing as how this is a site exclusively dedicated to people into the used panty fetish, I genuinely can?t believe that when the contest ends next month, we might actually have difficulty giving away panties for free! If you?ve been waiting to add your story, don?t. If you are shy or feel your writing isn?t good, forget it! This writing is about used panties and sex?its for fun, no one here is expecting to see an advanced English literature essay! On the other hand, if we have just missed the boat entirely with this contest, and there simply isn?t any interest in a writing contest, I apologize, and hope that some of you will email me, and let me know what you?d rather see in a contest. We want to have a contest that is fun for you! Please share your thoughts.

Finally, as far as updates and additions to Panty Hog, we have two new features that we are wrapping up, and intend to release soon. Thank you to the members who have assisted in their development and testing. Keep watching to find out what they are. 🙂  As always, I?m only an email away if anyone needs any help!

Happy Panties!



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