Manager's Blog – Amy's Rants

An Interesting First Week

Amy Panty Hog has made it through its first week of officially being open.  It has been an exciting and educational week for us here. It?s great to see a good response by members of the used panty community! We’d had many registrations, entries in the panty directory, several submissions of content including banners, photos, newsflashes and stories. The Panty Hog mailbox has received many, many positive comments that are very much appreciated. The Panty Talk forum is building interest, and the members that have volunteered to act as forum moderators are doing a great job of setting up some interesting topics, and assisting "newbies" with some important questions. We have also been blessed with having many of the major adult industry news sites pick up our press release. Of course there is always more to the story?

One of the things that we have been busiest with this week is answering emails from members of the used panty community. Most begin with something like ?where do I put your link?, ?what banner do you want me to use?, ?if I write a news article, can I list my site in the links section?? etc. Please cover your ears?AWHHHHHHHHHH!! (Thanks, I feel better now).  These emails have certainly shown me that PK couldn?t have been more on the mark when he said that a site like Panty Hog was critical for the used panty community. Don?t miss-understand, the people that wrote us with those questions did nothing wrong, they?ve simply learned to play the twisted game that in the used panty community has unfortunately become the norm. The link miser way of thinking is old news, and it does absolutely nothing positive for the used panty community. Forget it! If someone gives you a hard time about exchanging links, or has a page of rules that must be followed before adding your site, you can now tell them to kiss your wet panties. You no longer need them.

It?s worth saying again that Panty Hog is completely open to the entire used panty community. Anyone with anything to share is welcome to do so here. As, we?ve written in our responses to the emails I mentioned earlier, there are no gimmicks or tricks, and most importantly, the link miser game isn?t played here. You are welcome to post what ever you want to help others become aware of you and your offerings. We don?t require a link back first; in fact we don?t require that you link back to Panty Hog at all. Instead we believe that people will link to Panty Hog because it is of interest to their visitors, and they know that their visitors will appreciate them for letting them know about it.  So just to make it clear, submit your news, news releases, blogs, sale information, banners, links, photos, cams, stories, or what ever. You don?t have to ask first, as a member of the worn panty community, you are an owner of the site. If it?s panty related, it?s welcome here, it will proudly be displayed on the front page, and you won?t ?owe? Panty Hog anything.

I know the last two paragraphs aren?t of much interest to used panty consumers. However, if you?re still reading, I haven?t forgotten you. We?ve had a nice story submitted by one of you so far, but we want yours too. We?ve had many registrations from guys, so we know you?re out there. Don?t be shy. The ladies and other panty lovers honestly appreciate reading about you and your panty fetish. Submit a story, or make a post in the forums! Don?t forget to send us your photo for the photo area too.

Just a few last frequently asked questions to answer: Yes, yes, and yes. It?s always yes! LOL! Okay?yes, you are welcome to re-post your blog or news that you already have on your own site here at Panty Hog. It?s a smart thing to do, as you?ll have double the chance of having it seen. Yes, you are welcome to write an announcement of your site or auctions no matter how many years it has been up, or how long you?ve been posting auctions. Yes, it will be worth your time.

Happy Panties!


Panty Hog Manager

Editor?s Note: Amy is 99% correct. For a limited time, Panty Hog does request a link back when adding your listing to the used panty directory. Believe it or not, approximately a third of the traffic to your site consists of other panty sellers checking you and your site out. We are attempting to create the most complete listing of sellers, and since the used panty directory is only over a week old, it is important that any seller that hasn?t heard, learn that we want their listing.


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