Panty Hog Site Updates Announcement

Significant Site Updates at Panty HogWe have some significant updates at Panty Hog concerning the member media galleries, the member pages, and the auction area. Please read through this announcement so that you can best use the new features.


Member Media Galleries – Our old media gallery had been getting a bit buggy as it grew to over one hundred galleries and over one thousand photos and video clips. Many also found it difficult to use when adding media. We have officially retired it. It will remain however as an archive. You will still be able to view all of the member galleries it contains and add comments, but no new items will be added. Instead, we’ve launched a new member gallery area. The new gallery area has some great new features that weren’t found in the old, and it is easier to create a gallery and add to it. If you simply want to make a gallery and add your images, video clips, or mp3 clips all you have to do is click the link that says “Your Album” on the upper right-hand area of the gallery page (you must be logged in to Panty Hog and you are in business. Once you create a gallery, you’ll find loads of features that you can play with if you desire. You can set up custom RSS feeds for your gallery, turn commenting on and off, change how your photos are displayed/framed, integrate with Shutterfly, Picasa, and more. Gallery viewers should find that the new overall RSS feed for newest gallery additions will be helpful for letting them know when someone has uploaded something new. (please click "read more")


The Member Pages – We updated the Member Pages area several days ago, and now have a significant new feature to add. The new upgrade makes the area easier to navigate and now allows every Panty Hog member to create up to a ten page web site right on Panty Hog. Templates are built in to allow you to easily create headers, footers, a contact page, a photo album page, and more. The new feature added today allows you to link to or call your page directly with your username in the form of: (just put your panty Hog username after the slash for example: or . While you and other members can still find your member site through the directory, you will now be able to give out the direct link to help people find you faster.


The Auctions at Panty Hog – We have moved The Auctions at Panty Hog to its own URL or web address. Instead of a sub folder of Panty Hog, you will now find it at . The links here on the Panty Hog site have all been updated to take you to the new location, and nothing will change for you as a user or seller as far as your password, etc. However, if you have the auction area bookmarked, make sure you update your bookmark to reflect the new address. Ebanned is raising their fees for sellers again on March 1st. Panty Hog’s auction area features a superior auction script, built in image gallery/photo hosting, seller stores, choice of three html editors/auction makers, integrated payment system, a huge featured/spotlighted seller function, featured gallery area, a link to anything policy, a “one strike and you’re out abuse policy”, import of your feedback from other auction sites, and near instant, easy to find, customer service. The cost to use any feature, list your items and sell at Panty Hog is $0, zip, nada, there are never any fees or charges. If you are an active seller at The Auctions at Panty Hog and you want to appear in the featured/spotlight area, just IM me here and we’ll get you set up. 


If you have any questions or need help with any of the new or existing features and areas found at Panty Hog, just ask, we are happy to help. Enjoy!


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