The Straight Talk Regarding Panty Hog and MyUsedPantyStore

Panty Hog and Straight TalkI’ve been alerted that some idiot that I banned several years ago after complaints from buyers and sellers is posting around the web and spamming search engines with BS and fabricated misinformation regarding my web sites Panty Hog ( and My Used Panty Store ( Anyone who has actually dealt with myself, Panty Hog, or My Used Panty Store will surely recognize the BS as absurd. However, for those new to this, I offer this post to set the record straight.


  • Nobody has ever been banned from Panty Hog or without working very hard to prove them self to be a fuck up multiple times.
  • Once your problem behavior forces me to ban you, unless you contact me to appeal a ban, I don’t give it a second thought, and I certainly don’t spend my time “chasing” you around the web for years afterward.
  • Panty Hog has never required a link back or Panty Hog banner posting from anyone that posts news on the Panty Hog front page or uses the site.
  • Panty Hog allows any adult to post any panty news on the site, there are no “bans” against ebanned or any legitimate sales venues or web sites.
  • Panty Trust does not own Panty Hog, MUPS or vice versa.
  • No boogieman from Panty Trust shows up at your door if you use Panty Hog or

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Nobody has ever been banned from Panty Hog or without working very hard to prove them self  to be a fuck up multiple times.

Panty Hog and My Used Panty Store are well known as “Live and let live” sites with a culture similar to a 1970’s “Hippy” commune. Everyone is always welcomed with open arms. Both sites have very short and simple rules and are famously liberal in banning procedure. You have to be an adult to use the sites. Adults are “grown ups” who are expected by all of society to take responsibility for their own behavior. This means following the rules of the environment you are in and using basic, common sense. I am not your father or your therapist and if you haven’t learned to play the adult game, it is not my ethical, moral, or legal responsibility to teach you the way of the world. However, I always give people, at minimum, two chances after alerting them of a problem. If you are unable to play nice with others, or are unable to control a compulsion to spam, break the rules, harass other members, or steal from people, you will be asked to go away and come back only when you can behave like a responsible adult. The members of my sites expect to be able to enjoy them and to be safe and unmolested while doing so. I will never make apologies for my taking my responsibility to my sites’ members’ safety and enjoyment of my sites seriously. 

Unless you contact me to appeal a ban, I don’t give it a second thought, and certainly don’t spend my time “chasing” you around the web for years afterward.

I manage multiple, popular, panty and non-panty websites in my free time. Between my sites, there are tens of thousands of members. These sites, and the members of these sites rightfully deserve the priority of my attention. In addition, I am an adult man with a family, home, a full-time career, and all of the responsibilities that go along with these things. For anyone to suggest that I have the time or the inclination to use my limited time to follow around someone that isn’t even a member of my sites is delusional. I have real, good site members and life responsibilities that are much deserving of my attention. Any person who honestly believes that I would give up my time that I could spend with my family, to give my dog a hug, to assist a client, or to help one of my members reset a password in order to chase around some malcontent would have to have a Narcissistic personality disorder with a big helping of delusions of grandeur.

Panty Hog has never required a link back or Panty Hog banner posting from anyone that posts news on the Panty Hog front page or uses the site.

Unlike most every web site out there, Panty Hog welcomes everyone to post their panty news, promote their sales, web site, blog, etc. with no fee and no requirement to link back to Panty Hog or to put a Panty Hog banner on their own website. The one and only time Panty Hog ever asks for a link back is when you post an entry in the Panty Hog used panty seller directory. As seen on the linking instructions, this can be a small, simple text link, or people are welcome to use one of our supplied, and by no means “huge”, banners.

Panty Hog allows any adult to post any panty news on the site, there are no “bans” against ebanned or any legitimate sales venues or web sites.

Bias and bans on Panty Hog related to ebanned or any other site are complete nonsense. There are thousands of seller posted news items and forum posts on Panty Hog from ebanned sellers linking to their ebanned sales and other venues on the web. Anyone that happens to take three minutes to read the history of Panty Hog interview on the site will know that Panty Hog was actually initially launched as place specifically for ebanned sellers to post their news and to promote their sales. Several years after starting Panty Hog, I got involved (at member request) with another sales venue, . Of course, I personally believe that MUPS is the best value and the best place to sell used panties and buy them, I’ve worked hard to make it so. However, Panty Hog is a separate web site, true to its roots of being a place where all used panty information can be published. If someone chooses to sell elsewhere and/or on their own site or blog, that is great, and their news is always welcome on Panty Hog. This is the whole reason Panty Hog and MUPS are separate sites. If I wanted Panty Hog to be MUPS only, it would be much simpler just to combine the two web sites.

Panty Trust does not own Panty Hog, MUPS or vice versa.

Panty Trust posts its news on Panty Hog (among other places) because Panty Hog is the place to post used panty news. The logic that  Panty Trust is “Panty Hog” in disguise or vice versa because Panty Trust posts their news here would also require that every piece of news posted here; seller websites, ebanned auctions, panty pay sites, etc, are all owned and operated by Panty Hog or Panty Trust. Its Hog wash logic. Do I support Panty Trust and its mission? Absolutely.  It is an organization of women who got together on their own to promote good business, ethics, and safe transactions in the often shady adult areas of the internet. What sort of an incredibly twisted and distorted set of values and sense of morality would a person have to have to see people working to make the world a better place as a “bad” thing? Panty Hog does give banner placement on the site to Panty Trust as a courtesy because, yes, I think Panty Trust deserves it. Everyone in used panty land should be thankful for whatever Panty Trust has done to clean up the web’s panty sales community because it makes it a better place for all of us. Panty sales venue owners like myself know that happier and more confident buyers make for better business for our sales sites. If buyers constantly get ripped off or fear that they will be, there won’t be many sales happening and thus no need for panty sales venues. As far as Panty Trust members being often found helping out on my sites, that’s likely just a function of what Panty Trust is, the members it attracts are, by default, the type of people that like to help others out and who are willing to volunteer to help the web’s community.

No boogieman from Panty Trust shows up at your door if you use Panty Hog or

Firstly, I know from reading their site and talking with their members that one of the important tenants of Panty Trust is that Panty Trust does not recruit. Instead, they want members that come to them with interest in joining. It makes sense as far as I am concerned since they want members who have a calling to make the web a better place Secondly, recruiting, soliciting, or spamming is against the rules on both Panty Hog and, if a Panty Trust member was doing this on one of my sites, they would be in violation of the site rules and would be banned. Panty Trust seems to be doing just fine for the last ten years without its members risking their memberships on my or other sites to “recruit”.


Thank you for taking the time to allow me to clear up some of this erroneous information. As always, if you have any questions about Panty Hog or My Used Pantry Store, I’m always happy to help. Happy used panty selling and buying and thank you for your support of Panty Hog and My Used Panty Store.


Panty Hog and Owner


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