How To Create A Gallery and Add Your Photos

Creating and Editing Your Panty Hog Media Gallery

As a member of Panty Hog, you can create your own media gallery to share your photos, video, and audio files with other members. Please remember that due laws in the U.S.A., your photos and videos should be "glamour type". What this means is that your photos can be nude, partially clothed, and sexy, but they should not show actual sex acts, masturbation, insertion of toys, or focus primarily on your vagina or penis. No site based in the U.S.A. is legally allowed to contain images of these things without a model release and copy of your photo identification for each photo that contains this content. To keep it simple, and to keep you and Panty Hog safe, we have simply decided to prohibit these restricted sexually explicit photos and videos. We are aware that other panty-related sites may allow you to post such photos and videos without the required paper work. These sites are in violation of the law and the owners can be prosecuted, and worse yet, a federal investigation of the site could possibly involve you if your photos are of concern to them. We value our members and ourselves and are here to have fun, so please refrain from posting sexually explicit photos and video.

Creating a gallery requires you to first create your gallery, then add content. Directions are below. You may want to print this page to reference it while you work.

Make galleryNow, let’s create your gallery! Please note, all icons have explanatory descriptions that pop up when you run your mouse over them.

Step 1.

Log in to Panty Hog! You can’t access the gallery if you are not logged in. Remember log in is case-sensitive.

Step 2.

Select "Create/edit your media gallery" from the menu titled "User Menu".

Step 3.

Click on the file cabinet (gallery manager) picture in "Media Gallery User System" that will now be visible. You will be taken to the gallery manager area.

Step 4.

Click on the file folder with a star icon to create a new gallery. You will now be at the new gallery form. Here you have two things to do: Name your gallery (like Mary’s Gallery) and give it a description (like My panty videos and pictures).

You can ignore the "Parent gallery" , "Directory", and "Password" fields. These are options that are already pre-set and should not be changed. You should also ignore the options at the very bottom of the form titled "Properties", and "Members". These are advanced options that are used to share your gallery with only certain members, and to allow all members to add to and edit your gallery. The default settings here show your gallery to all registered members, and prohibit anyone but you from editing your gallery which is exactly what most prefer.

Step 5.

Click the diskette icon at the top of the form to save your new gallery. Your gallery is now ready and you will be taken back to the create gallery page. Click on the "Mainscreen" link to begin adding your photos, video, and audio files to your gallery.


Add MediaNow, let’s add photos, video, or audio to your gallery!  Remember, you can mouse-over icons for pop-up description.

Step 1.

From the "Media Gallery User System" page, click on the picture of the pencil over a road (Media Manager). You will be taken to a new page with a drop-down selector. Use the drop-down to select the name of your gallery. You will be taken to a screen which will allow you to upload media.

Step 2.

Click on the file folder with a star icon to add files. You will be taken to the add files screen.

Step 3.

Now you can use the tabs to choose to upload a single photo/video/audio file, multiple photo/video/audio files, etc. First time users should stick with one of these two choices and ignore the "drag and drop" and "search directory" advanced options.

Step 4.

From the upload files form you can use the "browse" button to find each photo/video/audio file on your computer that you want to add to your gallery. You can give each item a name, a description, and give it key words (like silver panties, in the bath, etc.). When you have browsed for your files, and filled out the name, and description for each, scroll down to the bottom of the form and click the "upload" button. Your media will be uploaded from your computer to your Panty Hog gallery. Depending on the size of your files and your internet connection speed, this upload process could take several minutes. Please be patient. When the upload process finishes, your files will appear in your gallery with the names and descriptions you provided. Members will now be able to view them from the Member Media Gallery area.


To edit your gallery

Once you have created a gallery and added items, you can always come back and add more files or delete and change the files you have in the gallery. To do this:

Step 1.

Log in to Panty Hog! You can’t access the gallery if you are not logged in. Remember log in is case-sensitive.

Step 2.

Select "Create/edit your media gallery" from the menu titled "User Menu".

Step 3.

From the "Media Gallery User System" page, click on the picture of the pencil over a road (Media Manager). You will be taken to a new page with a drop-down selector. Use the drop-down to select the name of your gallery. You will be taken to a screen which will allow you to edit existing media, or upload new media.


This is a simple walk-through for new users. Once you are comfortable with the gallery manager tools you’ll find that there are many advanced options to play around with. Feel free to experiment you won’t break anything. As always, if you need more help, just email us using the contact form. Enjoy!

Walk through ©2006 Panty Hog International


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