How to make my used panties website work better?
Hi Serena I’ve set up a used panty site about 3 weeks ago and admittedly I haven’t done much but I still thought I’d be getting more enquiries. Maybe I’m not doing it right, and maybe I’m being inpatient, don’t know, can you please give me some advice? Do I need to do anything more?
Growing a small fetish business takes time, we can’t expect orders to arrive overnight, it takes time to build a relationship with the used panties community, sometimes a long time. Many successful panty ladies websites have a ‘presence’ which they have worked hard and long for, if to be successful if your aim, you may want to follow some of these suggestions.
Your website is your ‘shop window’, you should put as much effort into your site as you can, as the quality of its content needs to attract buyers and keep them coming back. A panty buyer will spend only a few seconds browsing a panty site before they move onto the next one, this means your content must interest them straight away. Make sure the first thing they see is you, preferably wearing used panties they may well be able to purchase. Take time to publish good quality photos and a large organised selection of used panties stock.
Buyers who feel personally connected with you and your site, will be more likely to place an order and return for more. You can connect with your buyers (and other sellers too) by being honest, using an easy and personal writing style, and avoid any ‘Amazon style-click- buy-bye-bye carts’, as it really does not get any less personal than that.
Maintain a blog – Blogs are free, easy to create and easy to maintain, you could try,,, chose a name that is relevant to your website and start creating content daily. Content can be whatever you want it to be, it should be relevant to you, your readers, and your used panty business. A blog will give your network of friends the chance to interact with you, get to know you more, ask you questions, leave comments, etc.
Make sure there is an easy way to contact you, whether that’s via an email form or your email address, your prices and methods of payments are very important too, they must be clearly written and easy to find, there is nothing worst then having to email someone to ask trivial questions such as ‘do you take credit cards?’.
Take your time, do it right, and you will the results in no time!