Is ebanned a panty site?
I have just joined and still learning about etiquette and reputable places where to sell. I had listed 5 pantys on ebanned but only 1 had sold leaving me out of pocket 🙁
I dont know if I should list more now, do you reccomed it to sell pantys?
Thank you for your time Serena! I love the useful info on here too!
*Hot* MILF*
Ebanned is an auction site, people sell panties and lingerie items as well as things like used diapers, used condoms and blood related items. Do I recommend it to sell used panties? Personally I don’t.
In my experience the majority of people with a genuine panty fetish prefer to trade in a free community based and less distasteful environment.
Ebanned is not a community, its a money generating corporate site notorious for fakes and scams effecting both sellers and buyers, sellers don’t always receive payments for sold items resulting in loosing their listing fee, and buyers seem to be getting stiffed more and more by fake sellers.
If you want to sell your used panties on a free and supportive site, ebanned is not the best place for it.
I hope this helps.