POP email, viruses, and your boss.

Be careful with your panty email!If you have all sorts of different POP email-boxes in one place such as work accounts, personal, panties, etc, please be extra careful of email viruses, as they may be sending emails to your boss. Email viruses are attached to emails and can send themselves to everyone listed on your address book through your email account.

Imagine this, when you go to your inbox and read your Panties@yoursite .com email, without realising it, you also unleash a virus which starts sending emails to your whole address book, targeting your work email addresses too. Next thing you know, your boss gets any email from Panties@yoursite .com trying to flog him dodgy computer software made in Korea. Only, your boss is a bit nosey and off he goes to peek at www.yoursite. com. Not a good day.

A way to prevent these viruses from infiltrating your computer is to get a proper antivirus, refrain from opening emails from people you do not know, and do not click anything. Even when you know the sender pay attention to the subject, and ask yourself when did Steve start selling software? Could it be a virus? Most importantly, keep your work and panty accounts far far apart, if you can avoid using POP for at least one of 2 accounts, then do so.

This has happened to a seller not so long ago, so please be careful.

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