Should I join Panty Trust?


I read in another thread that girls are turned down for various reasons from being Panty Trust Verified. Could any of you PT girls explain why that might happen? I am just curious and I’ve been thinking about Panty Trust for myself but I’m still not sure. I understand the benefits and how it works, I just want to know why a girl might get turned down and if she was turned down, would she get her money back? or would she not pay the fee until she’s approved. Thank you, Jenny


Panty Trust is a service designed to protect the community other then promote sellers.
This is done by offering the certainty that they will be welcoming sellers who care to offer their support and promote trust within the panty community.

PT offers a Protection Service too: if things go wrong with a panty sale transaction (and sometimes they do), mediation and an investigation takes place to find out why, when appropriate, the buyer is offered compensation/refund and the seller membership is revoked.
The process as to how one becomes verified is explained on, most importantly PT asks sellers to comply and understand the Code of Conduct, if they do not comply, their application gets rejected.
Example: sellers whos’ website content is not genuine or stolen will not be verified, sellers trading on ebay and using paypal will not be verified, spammers will be banned, and when we find evidence of an activity considered to be illegal, the seller not only is rejected but also reported.
PT do not take payments until the end of the verification process, if a membership is revoked there are no refunds. I’d need to confirm this, but if for personal reasons a seller chooses to leave within 6 months from joining, the fee is refunded.

Who should consider becoming PT verified?
– Sellers who have just joined the industry, care about the industry beyond selling, and are serious about panty selling.
(sellers who only care about racking up the cash and don’t ‘have time’ to promote trust within the community should not bother)
– Sellers who do not have significant feedback, come from nowhere and have no connections
(if you have been selling for years, have been contributing to the community, and already have 100’s of positive feedback you might not necessarily need to join. Altought it does help, especially helps buyers who only purchase from Panty Trust Verified ladies.
– Sellers who need extra help setting up and find their way around.

I was all of these things when I joined, and I can honestly say I would not be here today if it wasn’t for PT and members’ support.
PT is run by long standing experienced volunteers, they screen, help, support and kick seller’s ass when needed.

Remember, Panty Trust is about the community, not the individual, if your aims are ONLY to increase your sales, DONT DO IT. It wont work for you.


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